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Military children…we come, we go.

April is the month of the military child. Although, I don’t know what that really means, it is nice to stop and think about our lives.

Military children…we come, we go.


We say, ‘see you later’, not goodbye.
We jump into everything as fast as we can because we don’t know how long we will be around.
We will divulge too much initially because we don’t have time to wait to make friends.
We will plan the activity and include as many as we can because it may be the last time we get to do anything with you.
We love and live fast.
We don’t have time for whiners.
Sometimes our sympathy for the little hiccups in life isn’t what it should be because we are already focusing on the solution.
We may not cry when we leave because we have been through this too many times, but we are still sad to leave you.
We only see future friends not strangers.
We always think we have met you before and we probably have.
We are fierce.
We are courageous.
We are brave.

And…we always have your back.



Military children ROCK, especially mine.- Laura
*Find out more about the Month of the Military Child.


  • An Army Brat, Spouse, and now MOM, Laura holds a Bachelor’s in Human Services Psychology and a Master’s in Education from Marymount University. She has taught elementary school in various roles and locations throughout the globe. During her time as an Army spouse, she held various positions in spouses’ clubs, school PTAs, layette programs, city planning committees, garrison leadership groups, and FRG leadership and senior spouse roles. She is the daughter of a career Army officer who moved 12 times across the US and Germany as an Army brat. She met her husband at her parent’s house in Heidelberg, Germany. Together, they have 4 children and have moved 11 times throughout the US, Germany, and South Korea. Her husband retired from the Army in 2021 after 31 years of service and now works for the Army in a senior civilian role. To top it all off, her oldest child is now a LT in Germany. Her support of the Army is not over!

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  1. Susan Fannin

    This is so true Laura. Thanks for

  2. Laura Michele Maddox Holland



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