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The Best Thing I Wore to the Military Ball

Sometime about a week after attending our most recent military ball, I showed my husband one of the pictures we took, and I asked him about my pin. I think what I first said was, “Where did this come from?”

He responded, “From the office.”

I knew that. Of course the Army logo pin came from his office, where he, of course, works for the Army.

So I rephrased my question: “No, I mean where did this pin come from, as in what’s the point of it?”

“I don’t know. We have them, and we give them out to people,” he informed me.

“Well, I think it probably means something. It has significance.”

“Not really.”

And that was my husband’s take on my Army pin that I wore to the ball we attended as part of his annual training conference. I don’t think either of us was wrong during the course of that conversation. My husband’s probably right about the pins being little trinkets given out for any number of reasons. I’m probably right that the significance behind almost anything is subjective.

My pin has significance. I absolutely know it. Which level of significance? Well, let’s see:

Global Significance

The pin that I’m referring to is a small rectangular pin that has the Army star logo on it. It says “U.S. Army.” This is a pin with a logo that could be recognized, on some level, almost anywhere in the world. How many items do you own that are that recognizable? The star of the Army logo is representative of the white stars painted on U.S. military vehicles during World War II. The colors black, white, and yellow represent the components of gunpowder. The overall emotions tied to the logo are feelings of courage, strength, and freedom.

Community Significance

I’ve worn this kind of pin once before. Before we were married, my husband brought me as his date to an Army Birthday Ball—my first military ball. Upon arrival, all of the ladies were given logo pins with black and yellow remembrance ribbons tucked behind them. Thinking back on that, it emphasizes the community tied around the military.

The little pin tied me in and connected me to Army life even if I didn’t realize it then. There’s just something about knowing you aren’t the only one going through this amazing journey. Ladies, if you’ve worn a pin like this, or even if you haven’t but you’re here in this milspouse life with me, I’m glad we’re in it together.

Personal Significance

“Let’s go, Wife. You and your Army pin, let’s go. We’re three minutes late already!”

So, I’m not fully sure my husband noticed my dress, shoes, hairstyle, or makeup choices with any special recognition, but he noticed that pin. I love that he noticed. I’m always proud to stand next to my husband, and I’ve learned there are some military events that make this feeling of pride grow even stronger. A military ball is one of those events for me, and this time, when he was noticing and paying attention to my little pin, it felt like he was noticing my pride in him and his service.

Whether it was actually the pin itself, or the pride I feel to be with my husband, I know that it was the best thing I wore to the military ball.


  • Angie is a lucky lady. Lucky, and blessed to be a wife and an Army wife to boot. She lives in Japan with her husband and two cats, Hunter and Matthews. Angie and her husband were married in 2013, and he began his military career in 2008. They met in Florida, and Angie hopes they will live off the Gulf Coast within walking distance to the beach one day. Along with the beach, Angie loves to have a good laugh, a good friend, and a good read or write. She has some serious favorites: food—macaroni and cheese, music—Tom Petty, workout—elliptical miles. Angie graduated from UCF with a degree in Elementary Education and taught for seven years, five of those years as a first grade teacher, and the last two as a reading coach. She has a collection of other jobs before and after teaching as well.

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1 Comment

  1. Margie Olszewski

    Angela , I enjoy reading your blog very much! I love your writing style as you have unique observations and I enjoy understanding your heart through what you write! You are always a student of life and ultimately the teacher to all of your readers. God bless you and your husband as you begin the next life journey. Love you honey.


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