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National Guard/Reserve

An Open Letter to the National Guard Spouse

Dearest National Guard spouse, I see you.

Your partner is gone and you may have wonderful friends, but none understand what you’re going through. Your kids have a slew of friends and they don’t have to PCS, but they also don’t have friends that understand why their parent is gone. Your family loves you, but they too do not comprehend the feeling of a spouse being away.

Don’t worry, I see you.

Seeing the Hurt

Seeing the Hurt

I see you now. I didn’t really see you or your pain before—I just saw a friend who was sad and hurt, but I didn’t fully understand. Now, my vision is no longer blurred, and I see all of it: the pain, the loneliness, and the anxiety.

Trudging through medical complications with a spouse in the military brings a whole new twist to this crazy ride.

Mission: Milspouse is a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

EIN Number: 88-1604492


P.O. Box 641341
El Paso, TX 79904


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