December is a great time to reflect on life and relationships. It is the closing of one year and approaching the start of the new year. Every year I try to take a moment to think about what happened in the last year and what I hope will happen in the new one.

Buried interests
Most of us harbor interests, passions, and dreams that rarely see the light of day. They lie dormant within us, beneath piles of obligations and expectations.
Summer on the Farm
In the transient, ever-changing, unstable life of a military family, it is refreshing to return to some kind of summer place that is constant. A home, though not our own, that feels natural, secure, and comforting. For my family, that place to which everyone...
Summer Survival: From the walkies of today to the car keys of tomorrow
he final days of school are winding down to the daunting sprawl of time known as summer break.
My Milspouse Summer is Just Another PCS
If your summer consists of a PCS, you are not alone! Many families will make the trek across the country to new homes. Join Anna as her family heads to DC.
Trust your Gut, Advocating for Your Child
I had been a military spouse for just a couple of years, when at 27 years old my first child was born
Newborn and Well-Baby Care
TRICARE covers well-child care for your newborn from birth through age 5. This includes: Circumcision before leaving hospital Routine newborn care Comprehensive health promotion and disease prevention exams Vision and hearing screenings Height, weight, and head...
Dear Moms
Dear Moms, We live in an age of extreme judgement. We judge our clothes, houses, cars, and worst of all, we judge our kids. Our Kids! Kids grades, kids sports, kids college choices, kids everything. And, they know adults tend to be judgmental. They feel this judgement...
Expecting a Child? Here’s How TRICARE Covers Maternity Services
Expecting a Child? Here’s How TRICARE Covers Maternity Services. TRICARE is here to help you get the care you need during pregnancy. As you get ready to welcome your child, here’s some information about how TRICARE covers maternity services.
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