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What to Know for Your PCS with Pets

What to Know for Your PCS with Pets

A major part of a PCS is coordinating transportation for your family pet. Dog, cat, guinea pig, or bunny, they all need a way to get to their next home in the least stressful way possible. Making plans for their move should be at the top of the prep list, because some trips require timed events, such as vaccinations, quarantines, hotel stays, and airline tickets. Much of this preparation can be started before official orders are in your hands.

The Secret Life of Boot Snakes

The Secret Life of Boot Snakes

From an outside view, it’s sometimes easy to look upon our service members in a strictly matter-of-fact, all-business-all-the-time fashion. I know that I myself find so many aspects of military culture intimidating at times. However, today I’m sharing a sneak peek into the secret behind-the-scenes life of our military family. Everything is not so serious all of the time. Thank goodness! Today, I bring you The Secret Life of Boot Snakes!

Living Through Loss

Living Through Loss

Last month, I was faced with a life-changing decision. Many of you reading this have likely experienced something very similar, and it gives me some comfort to know that you may share in my feelings.

Very unexpectedly, my cat Madison became critically ill. For a week prior to this I noticed she seemed a little lethargic and was lying around quite a bit. I didn’t think much of it. I thought perhaps it was a side effect of some medicine she’d been given for ulcers—a problem she had fairly frequently.

6 Tips for a PCS with Pets

6 Tips for a PCS with Pets

Due to a serious lack of self-control around cute, furry things, my husband and I have managed to accumulate three dogs and a cat over the past several years. That’s right, three dogs—and they aren’t three Chihuahuas either. We added one at each duty station. Chris and I each brought one dog into our marriage, and we moved with two dogs from Fort Hood to Fort Benning. Then, we added a third dog at Benning, and the five of us (including my husband and I) PCS’d to Fort Bragg.

How to put TLC in your PCS with Pets

How to put TLC in your PCS with Pets

If you think moving is stressful for you, imagine how confusing it can be for your pets. Everything that is familiar to them—the potted plants they sniffed daily, the comfy couch they weren’t allowed on, the kids’ shoes they stumbled over by the front door—gets packed up and taken away. Then, they’re cooped up in their carrier in the back of the car for a long road trip. In the short term, it is a bit more stressful to PCS when your pets are along for the ride. But in the long term, they make moving more enjoyable for everyone.

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