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Posts By: Meagan Childers
Family, Food Trucks, and Fun

Family, Food Trucks, and Fun

Hey there, fabulous readers! Can you believe it's been a whole month already? Time sure does fly when you're having fun family and food trucks! I've been having such a blast that I almost forgot I was looking  forward to a slow and relaxing month.   But hey,...

It’s Official…..

It’s Official…..

It’s official, J is gone and out on what I like to say as a “paid work glamping trip”. I travel a lot for work as well, mostly tropical places with beautiful beaches and delicious cocktails.

The First Deployment

The First Deployment

I'm so excited and a little nervous for my husband’s upcoming deployment. It is not only the first for him, but for me as well! I know this is good for his career and he seems genuinely excited so I'm taking all sorts of steps to prepare myself mentally, physically,...

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