M:M Protocol and Traditions Team “Round-Up” for 2020-2024
Our hardworking band of bloggers wishes you a wonderful and prosperous New Year with our collection of fun, humorous, and historical blogs linked below and available at M:M Traditions and Protocol.
Cozy up with each delightful and carefully crafted topic, highlighting the rich and unique traditions exclusive to the U.S. military.
Remember our team member and friend in the tribute to Ann Crossley.
Happy New Year from our team to yours!
With love, Ginger Perkins, Michelle Hodge and Lynda Smith
Reviving Army Traditions—Black Tie Tactical Style
Reviving military traditions and etiquette.
One Woman Can Make a Difference! Tribute to Ann Crossley, author of The Army Wife Handbook, The Air Force Wife Handbook, and The Army Spouse Handbook and esteemed mentor of Army spouses.
Pinkies Up, Ladies and Gents; Let’s Enjoy Afternoon Tea Together! The tradition of military spouse teas with a modern twist!
Socials, Balls, and Ceremonies, Oh My! To help you prepare for the influx of invitations and fun events, we offers up some friendly reminders from our collective experiences.
Teen Etiquette Yes, manners are still important and that includes teen etiquette too!
Life Lessons Learned at a Coffee A lot has changed in the Army! Our protocol team updated life lessons from “Everything I Ever Wanted to Know About the Army I Learned at a Coffee” presented in three easy categories: military protocol (such as the NEW receiving line protocol), social life, and sage advice.
Welcomes and Farewells — It’s a Spouse Thing! The finer points of recognizing the unit’s command team spouses!
Military Funerals and Memorials Ceremonies honoring our military leaders, soldiers, and heroic warriors.
Recollections of a 1950s Army Brat– Ann Crossley’s overseas adventures as a teenager growing up in the army.
Changing Times …A Link with the Past– Ann’s adolescent army adventures living in 1940s Japan.
Attire, Name Tags, Unit Pins, and Gifts. The “when, where, and what” of clothing, gifts, and name tags.
Protocol, Customs and Traditions Trivia Game: Part Three Place settings, hostess gifts, introductions, Medal of Honor recipient.
Protocol, Customs and Traditions Trivia Game: Part Two Flag etiquette, campaign streamers, Gold Star lapel pin, Silver Star service banner, POW/MIA/Fallen Comrade Table.
Protocol, Customs and Traditions Trivia Game: Part One R.s.v.p., Hail & Farewells, coffees, teas, receiving lines.
Modern Guidance for Receiving Lines, Invitations and Place Cards. Updates for modern inclusivity.
Customs and Courtesies for Traveling Abroad & Avoiding a Faux Pas! International assignment or vacation? Research etiquette and courtesies first.
Celebrating and Hosting in 2023! Suggestions and encouragement to feel more confident when hosting!
Protocol Team’s “Twelve Days of Christmas” Spotlight on wonderful holiday traditions this military adventure has brought us!
Historically Army! Meaningful experiences are within every army tradition creating our army culture and making our life rich!
Army Spouse Songs Joining people together through music, these melodies create esprit de corps!
A “Coffee Group” Without Coffee Sharing camaraderie, knowledge, and friendship.
Hail and Farewells- It’s a Unit Thing! A time to meet new unit leaders and say “thank you” to those leaving.
Event Planning Checklist An easy guide for any event.
Cavalry Spur Ride: But Where are the Horses? Spurs, strength, and the spirit army spouses bring to the fight.
The Tale of The Traveling TASH Like the “magical traveling pants,” The Army Spouse Handbook has something for everyone.
Etiquette Suggestions for Military Children and Teen Etiquette The importance of manners for kids and teens!
Teen Etiquette – Mission: Milspouse (missionmilspouse.org)
Life Lessons Learned at a Coffee Military protocol, social life, and sage advice.
Modern Protocol and Evolving Traditions NEW Army protocol updates!!
In the Spirit of Giving. Army traditions supporting our families and soldiers during the holidays.
Army Spouse Grog Ceremony A celebration of our history.
The Gloves Were Us A throwback to glove etiquette!
Q&A with the Protocol and Etiquette Team The “when, what and how” of reciprocating invitations, building your spouse “toolbox”, and making introductions.
The Joys of Entertaining. Hosting… “how-to”!
Military Weddings: I Do! Wedding bells and fancy veils– the military family welcomes you!
Need to Know: Military Balls and Formals Simple tips to feel more comfortable at fancy soirees.
Honor and Remember Never forget those who served and sacrificed for our freedoms.
Army Teas are Steeped in Tradition A vintage story to help set the stage for future events.
Coffees, Pins, and Camaraderie. Dating back to Martha Washington, unit coffees and celebrating our spouses’ legacy in the army.
Who Goes First? That is the Question: Reception line and receiving line updates.
Cheers to New Year’s Receptions. One of the oldest military traditions explained!
Knives, Forks, and Spoons. Be prepared to set and “dress” the table!
You’re Invited: Q & A with the Protocol & Etiquette Team Children at military events? Alcohol etiquette? If I can’t attend, do I still pay? Spouse reference books.
National Flag Etiquette: Memorial Day and Veterans Day/ Memorial Day / Veteran’s Day – differences and meanings.
Thank-You Notes and Beyond. Tips for writing meaningful thoughts, gratitude, compliments, and “Warm Regards”!
Dress for the Occasion Casual events to formal balls, a guide for what to wear.
You’re Invited: Military Protocol and Traditions Explained. Introductory blog about life with the Army!
Editor’s Note: We are so grateful to our Traditions and Protocol Team for all the wisdom and encouragement they have given us over the past four years!