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7 Things That Changed In 7 Months

When I wrote my previous post, my husband and I were preparing for homecoming and reintegration.

The homecoming day (that only changed a couple times) has come and gone. We’re now in the trenches of reintegration.

I say “trenches” not because it’s bad, but because there are highs and lows, including some I didn’t expect. (Silly me, thinking I could plan for everything.)

A Homecoming We’ll Never Forget

A Homecoming We’ll Never Forget

I held him tight.

I thought perhaps the tighter and longer I held him, it would create muscle memory for me to run to when I needed it for next nine months of separation.

I tried to stay in the moment, but my eyes landed on families, children, husbands, and wives all around me wiping tears and giving their service member a last hug goodbye.

Saying “see ya later” at the deployment send-offs are simply the worst. It’s another “hurry up and wait” occasion that we as military families have become all too familiar with; however, this particular hurry-up-and-wait is brutal. Like pulling a band aid off, please make it quick and easy and as painless as possible.

Can’t Wait to Come Home

Can’t Wait to Come Home

“I can’t wait to be home.”

This was the text I received from my husband earlier today, about six months into our most recent deployment. 

The funny thing is, he won’t be coming home to a place he knows. I’m packing our kids and saying goodbye to my family, moving across the country, and unpacking all our things in a house he’s never seen, nor I for that matter, on a base we haven’t lived before.

How to Prepare for a Military Homecoming

How to Prepare for a Military Homecoming

As the countdown slowly ticks away to homecoming, there’s a standard preparation you can expect.

For some reason, the perfect outfit seems to be at the top of the list. Over the years, and after attending more than 50 homecomings, I’ve seen some pretty epic outfits. The one that takes the cake is the spouse who dressed in an inflatable T-rex costume, one I didn’t see personally, but Google can help you witness it. Besides the outfit, there are the signs, the kids’ outfits (if applicable), getting the house cleaned up, and so much more.

2 Tips for Homecoming Bliss

2 Tips for Homecoming Bliss

It takes me a grand total of 2.6 minutes to start dreaming of my husband’s sweet homecoming after he departs for a deployment, school, or extended time in the field. That isn’t an exaggeration. Less than three minutes after he leaves for a “trip,” I’m already plotting and planning for his return: what I’ll wear, where we’ll go to dinner, our first date night agenda, and the beer selection I’ll have waiting for him at home. I dream of those day dates at pumpkin patches, cooking experiments in our kitchen, and trips to the state park with our pups.

Maybe you can relate to this—I spend so much time dreaming about a picturesque reunion that I forget about reality.

AWTR Show #357: Negotiating Reintegration

Join the AWN team this week on Army Wife Talk Radio a talk with Leanne Knobloch, an associate professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Illinois. Her research focuses on how romantic couples communicate during times of transition within marriage. For the past couple of years, she has been studying how military couples negotiate the reunion period following deployment.

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